Real Estate Litigation

Real estate litigation is a branch of civil law that involves disputes related to property and real estate. These disputes can be diverse and complex, ranging from disagreements over property rights, lease agreements, land use and zoning issues, to conflicts arising from property transactions. The parties involved may be individuals, corporations, non-profit organizations, or even government entities.

A common type of real estate litigation involves breaches of contract related to property transactions. This can happen when one party fails to fulfill contractual obligations in a real estate deal, such as failing to disclose known defects about the property, or not delivering the property in the agreed condition. For example, if a seller intentionally hides a significant structural issue from a buyer, the buyer could sue the seller for breach of contract.

Landlord-Tenant Disputes

Landlord-tenant disputes also frequently result in real estate litigation. These disputes can arise from a variety of issues, such as disagreements over rent, property conditions, eviction procedures, and security deposits. For instance, if a landlord fails to repair dangerous conditions in a rental property, the tenant may seek legal recourse for breach of the implied warranty of habitability.

Zoning and Boundary Disputes

Another area of real estate litigation involves boundary and easement disputes between neighboring property owners. Disputes may arise when one property owner encroaches on another’s land, or when the legal right to use a portion of a neighbor’s property (known as an easement) is in question. Such cases may require a careful review of deeds, surveys, and sometimes historical use of the property to determine the boundaries or the existence of easements.

Zoning and land use disputes with local governments are also common. These might involve issues related to property development, land use regulation non-compliance, or disagreements over local zoning ordinances. For example, a developer might sue a city over the denial of a building permit, claiming that the denial was arbitrary or inconsistent with local zoning laws.

Help From a Legal Professional

Real estate litigation can be a lengthy and costly process. These cases often involve in-depth investigation, expert testimony, and complex legal arguments. Therefore, having knowledgeable legal representation is crucial for individuals or businesses involved in a real estate dispute. Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) methods such as mediation and arbitration are often used to resolve real estate disputes in a less adversarial and potentially more cost-effective manner. In mediation, a neutral third party facilitates negotiations between the disputing parties to help them reach a mutually agreeable solution. In arbitration, a neutral arbitrator hears the arguments from both sides and makes a binding decision.
Real estate litigation encompasses a broad range of disputes involving property and land use. The legal landscape is complex and the stakes can be high, often involving significant financial implications. Whether you’re a property owner, tenant, developer, or involved in real estate in another capacity, understanding the potential for disputes and having competent legal counsel can help protect your interests and navigate the complex field of real estate litigation. For assistance with these kinds of cases reach out to a real estate litigation lawyer from a law firm like Eric Siegel Law.