If you are thinking about divorce or have already decided to file and have scheduled a consultation with a divorce attorney, you may be wondering what to expect. You may be wondering how to prepare. You may already be nervous or even frustrated about the prospect of needing to work with an attorney in order to finalize your divorce. Please understand that all these reactions to scheduling a consultation are normal. And that taking a few steps to prepare for your consultation may help to put your mind more at ease about beginning an attorney-client relationship during this time of transition.
Working Well with a Divorce Attorney
One of the most beneficial things you can do to prepare for your consultation is to write any questions or concerns you have about the divorce process and/or your attorney-client relationship down. This way, you will be able to reference your questions during your consultation and will not have to rely on your memory. Even individuals with excellent recall may struggle to remember their questions when faced with the inevitable stress associated with an attorney-client consultation. Ensuring that you obtain answers to all of your questions by referencing them in written form will almost certainly help to start your consultation off on the right foot.
Another key approach to consultation preparation is involves writing down your goals, priorities and expectations. Many attorney-client relationship “snags” can be avoided if clear communication about these issues begins at the start of the divorce process and is revisited with relative regularity. Your attorney will be able to clarify what may be achieved and what can be done to help make your goals, priorities and expectations a reality whenever possible.
Divorce Assistance Is Available
If you have questions or concerns about the divorce process and have yet to officially schedule a consultation with an experienced LSR divorce lawyer in Dallas, TX, please consider doing so with a law firm like Brandy Austin Law Firm, PLLC at your earliest possible convenience. And if you have a consultation scheduled but feel that you cannot wait to ask a specific question, please do not hesitate to reach out to your attorney’s office. During times of great transitions in life, it can be all too easy to feel overwhelmed. Reaching out to an experienced professional will help to ensure that you can make informed decisions. Sometimes, knowing that you have all the information available and simply need to choose your next step can make all the difference.
As you prepare for your consultation, know that there are no “silly,” “stupid” or “irrelevant” questions when it comes to the divorce process. In fact, asking questions as they occur to you may help you from making missteps that could cost you dearly in terms of property division and/or child custody matters. Know that if an attorney is a “good fit” for you, that individual will be willing to answer any questions related to the legal side of divorce, even if their answer ends up being, “I don’t know. But I will do what I can to find out.”