When it comes to getting ready for your first counseling session, you may be unsure of what to expect. Can you go in workout clothes? Do you need to be ready to divulge all of your information to your therapist? If you have not gone through counseling before, you may be wondering what the sessions are like and if there is any way you can prepare. The good news is, you can absolutely prepare for counseling, like at Lotus Wellness Center, before you go to your first session. This can help you feel more comfortable speaking openly with your therapist and help you understand how future sessions may go. 

How can I prepare?

You’ve found a therapist with good reviews, booked your appointment, and are ready to go. Now what? Do you go into it blindly wondering what will happen? If you are someone who feels better when they have prepared beforehand, it can help to understand a little more about therapy. 

  • Determine Your Goals. This may seem like something you hash out with your therapist when you go into your session but it can help to figure out what you want to get out of therapy beforehand. Many people want to feel better when they are done with therapy. However, getting a bit more specific about what you want will help. Jot them down on your phone or in your journal ahead of time. 
  • Be Open About Past Therapy. Anyone who has done therapy before knows exactly what worked and didn’t work for them. Your last therapist may have given you tools that helped you work on anxiety and stress at home or maybe your last therapist seemed critical of how you react to situations. It can help to discuss what style works for you when you enter into counseling. 
  • Be Honest About Discomfort. When you go to counseling, your therapist wants to help you find the root of the problem so that you can work on it. However, if there is a topic you aren’t ready for or questions you don’t want to answer in your early sessions, be honest with your therapist. Being pushed out of your comfort zone can be important for overcoming obstacles but you need to be ready first. 

If you want to know how else you can prepare for counseling, you can learn more about preparing before your first session.